Increase your non-profit audience by 15,209%

Check this out: In six days we saw an increase of 15,209% on our Facebook page. No, I didn't make that number up. Here's proof:



So what happened?

A plan.

Here was the plan:

1. Pull back the curtain - We focused in on a time where we have the maximum attention because we do something very well. If this is what we do best than we were going to expose it. Not later but right in the moment. We have to stop trying to be the Great Oz manufacturing a great show through manipulative story telling. People don't buy this type of story telling online.

2. Give notice - In our case we do amazing camps for high school people. We had our high school friends write thank you cards to their parents when they got on the bus. These thank you cards had our Facebook page, blog, and a notice that up to date information would be shared. When the bus pulled away for camp those cards were in the hands of their parents.

3. Focus on faces - I'm confident that images drove everything. But they weren't just wide pictures from a distance, they were up close pictures of faces. The only thing we love more than experiences are people. Think about that the next time you want to share an organizations narrative online. People want to see the people they care about and then their experience.

4. You have less than 500 words - If a picture is worth a 1000 words than I'm not sure how many more you need. Don't use more than 500. Tell the story. Tell it well. Tell it in as few words as possible.

5. Be consistant - In our situation we had six days of the highest amount of attention. So we did six days of story telling - words, pictures, and videos. Consistency brings people back looking for more online.

The feedback has been incredible. Engagement is at an all time high. And it can be done because of social media. We can bring growth in the non profit world through engagement online.

What does your organization or team do better than anything else in the year? How are you maximizing the moment and exposing it to the entire tribe and not just those who are present at the event?

If you would like to see what we did you can view our Facebook page at and our blog at