A NEW experience at Creative Leadership

I have an exciting change to announce! The experience at Creative Leadership is getting better today for a special group of people known in the blogging world as "subscribers". I like to think of them as the backbone to any blog. Being a subscriber means that every post is emailed directly to you as well as you become part of a newsletter community. In other words you get behind the scenes information readers who read the site online don't get!


For many the retirement of Google Reader has left them in limbo when it comes to following a favorite blog. Although there are popular replacements for Google Reader (I use Feedly) I enjoy getting my favorite blogs straight to my email. So I was feeling challenged to enhance the subscribers experience here at Creative Leadership!

Starting today we have moved our subscriber service to MailChimp. The biggest difference a subscriber is going to notice is the quality and attractiveness of the email they receive in comparison to previous emails through Google's Feedburner. Another big addition is the new easy subscribe button to the immediate right of this post. Now there is a cleaner confirmation email to new subscribers plus they are welcomed with a greeting email that includes a FREE copy of my Social Media Script for Leaders.

So thank you to our subscribers! We hope you enjoy the change because we want you to have an incredible experience here. And for those of you who are not subscribers, take advantage of our new subscription link on the right! We have a free gift waiting for you too!

Here is an example of how the new email will look from Monday's Post:

example 1