Things BIG men don't understand

Airline Seats

There are days I wake up thinking, "I really want to sit in a cramped space for a long time where my knees are shoved into the seat in front of me." I understand that the more seats on the plane means more revenue for the airline but come on! I'm Southwest Airlines dream customer. You better believe I'll pay $10 more per flight to have instant check in because I would cut you over the opportunity to have an aisle seat. Speaking of Southwest, nothing makes you feel more like a leper than getting on a flight when you are late or forgot to check in and you are in the "C" group. When you step into the plane you can see panic on all those skinny punks who sat next to the window or in the aisle even though they are 5'6" and weigh 120 lbs. They should be checked in as luggage, not a man in the aisle. NO ONE will look you in the eye when you're the big man boarding last on the plane. They are playing that game where they think if they look at you they are inviting you into their middle seat so they deny you even exist. But guess what skinny punks!? You're exactly what I'm looking for! Two tiny people where there is going to be the most room. Suckers!