Leadership that never works

Every good story has an equal component, there is always a guide.  Sure, there are heroes and villains, setting and trials, but no hero ever makes it on their own.  There's always a guide.

Luke Skywalker had Yoda.  Rudy had a priest. Andy Dufran had whatever was the name of Morgan Freeman's character....

What about the leader you follow?  Do they have a guide?

Leadership that never works is a leader who believes they have everything it takes.  

Leaders identify a guide (some might call it a mentor) because...

  • It displays humility
  • It creates the opportunity for new ideas
  • It offers experience
  • It keeps a leader from fixating
  • It provides perspective in times of crisis
  • It builds a path for a leader in a new role

The mistake we are most likely to make is take on a new role or start a new goal and we think leadership looks like action, when in reality it looks like finding a guide.  You need a trusted guide if you have a dream of building a business or if you have the goal of reading more books this year.  Our fear of asking for help is what keeps us from finding a guide but it's also what keeps us from reaching our full potential.

Where in your life do you need a guide?