Feeling average? Here's what to do about it.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
— Jim Rohn

How does that make you feel?  Is it encouraging?  Is it disheartening?  

Here at The Factory we're launching our own dream and we're helping other like minded people launch theirs.  And as we venture down this path this quote keeps proving itself true over and over again.  Almost every week, someone will stop me or want to meet and they start asking me questions about launching a dream.  

I can't necessarily pinpoint a "moment" where I made a decision but I can say these are the influencers:  Dan Miller, Pat Flynn, Seth Godin, Jeff Goins, & Andy Traub.  Out of this list, the only person I know personally is Andy but all of these folks have been big time voices that fuel the fire to keep going.   But as this whole things has moved forward there are new voices, new encouragers along the way: Justin Ricklefs, Kelsey Jenney, The O'Reilly's, and of course Melissa is right beside me in this as well.

As you head into your Memorial Day weekend, take a look at the people around you.  Are they going after dreams?  Are they setting goals and accomplishing them?  If you look around and you don't find anyone living the dream you'd like to live, lend you ear to some of the influencers above because they can all be found online.  

Giving space for influencers is a good place to start.

But I will tell you, to really get going you need to be surrounded by like minded people.  What I discovered when I realized I wasn't spending time with people who were going after a dream, I initiated the community.  Yes, it's a little bit scary to be the one to start it but I'm learning it's absolutely worth it.  

Be brave.